
Indulge in Elegance, Elevate Your Experience.


Immerse yourself in the world of fine cigars, curated experiences, and exclusive company. Join us in savoring life`'s finest moments in the heart of Berlin.


What is Cigar Circle Berlin?


Cigar Circle Berlin is the epitome of luxury and sophistication in the world of cigars. Nestled in the heart of Berlin, our club offers an unparalleled experience for cigar aficionados and connoisseurs.

With our carefully curated selection of premium cigars, expert staff, and elegant ambiance, we provide a sanctuary for those who appreciate the finer things in life.

Membership Benefits

Our Membership Benefits

As a member of our exclusive cigar club, you’ll enjoy unparalleled benefits designed to enhance your experience:


Exclusive Events

Access to exclusive events, including cigar tastings, pairing sessions, and exclusive member-only gatherings that offer a chance to connect with fellowsmembers.


Distinguished Team

Meet with a distinguished group of individuals who share your passion for cigars and the finer things in life.


Privacy and Exclusivity

Benefit from our commitment to privacy and exclusivity. Our club ensures that all members enjoy a discreet and secure environment.

our Testimonials

What Our Members Say About Us

We are committed to providing our members with the support they need to succeed. Here are some of the testimonials we have received from our members.


" The perfect way to unwind after a busy work week. This cigar circle offers a truly sophisticated experience that you won't find anywhere else in Berlin. The members are top-tier, and the atmosphere is always refined. "



" Joining this cigar circle has been the highlight of my week. It's not just about cigars, but the company, the conversations, and the exclusivity. One of the best-kept secrets in Berlin high society! "

Aadil Ghani


" This is more than just a membership, it's an entry into one of Berlin's most exclusive social circles. The weekly gatherings are unmatched, filled with incredible people and top-class cigars. "

Toni Gambino


" For anyone seeking a luxurious and refined end to the work week, this membership is worth every penny. The events are private, sophisticated, and offer the perfect blend of relaxation and networking. "

Harry Marzouk


" Being part of this cigar circle has been a game changer. It's more than just cigars, it's about high-class camaraderie and unparalleled access to Berlin's elite. "

Eylo Eylos


Cigar Circle Events

Join us for a variety of events and experiences, from private cigar tastings to exclusive product launches.

Private Cigar Tastings

Private Cigar Tastings

Discover a selection of premium cigars and fine spirits in an intimate setting, guided by our experts.

Exclusive Member Dinner

Exclusive Member Dinner

Join us for an exclusive dinner event where we pair world-class cuisine with the finest cigars.

Whiskey & Cigar Pairing

Whiskey & Cigar Pairing

Experience the art of pairing whiskey and cigars, with expert insights on flavor combinations.

Cigar Rolling Masterclass

Cigar Rolling Masterclass

Learn the intricate process of hand-rolling cigars from seasoned professionals in this hands-on workshop.

Luxury Networking Evening

Luxury Networking Evening

Mingle with fellow aficionados and high-profile members in a luxurious networking event, over cigars and spirits.


Want To join us?

Join our exclusive cigar club, where a select group of members come together to enjoy premium cigars and curated drinks in a private, comfortable setting. Experience the finest in relaxation and camaraderie at our members-only events.

Contact US

Get in touch with us

Cigar Circle Berlin

Indulge in Elegance, Elevate Your Experience.

Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.